Вот текст. надо написать буквами но чтобы слышалось по .he travels a lot. sometimes his working day starts in russia and finishes in china or the usa.he is lera's father. he works in an office. he uses a computer to design new engines for space shuttles and planes. he's vera's father. he travels a lot. sometimes he flies by plane.he explores volcanoes.he's nikita's father.
zakanchivayetsya v Kitaye ili USA.He otets Lery .
On rabotayet v ofise. On ispol'zuyet komp'yuter, chtoby razrabatyvat' novyye dvigateli dlya kosmicheskikh shattlov i samoletov. On otets Very .
On mnogo puteshestvuyet . Inogda on letit plane.He issleduyet ottsa volcanoes.He Nikita v .