1. Some governments have been trying to protect the environment for twenty years.
2. Have you been working at the TV studios since May?
3. Bill has been thinking about getting a new car for months.
4. Lesley has not been living in Meg's flat since last Christmas.
5. You have been eating too much since our holiday in March.
6. We have been looking forward to seeing you for weeks.
7. What have you been doing since last summer?
8. I have not been learning Spanish for very long.
9. Thomas has been writing his History essay since Saturday morning.
10. Have you been waiting for me for hours?
Dear Nikita,
I want to tell you about my family. It is not large. There are four people in our family - my dad, mum, my elder brother and me. They all love me and I love them, too. So we get on well with each other. Yesterday on Sunday we went shopping. Then we walked in the park and visited our granny. She lives not far from us. My mum Olga is 38 and she is a kindergarten teacher. She likes her work very much. Our granny Natasha is 61 and now she's a pensioner. When she was younger, she worked as a kindergarten teacher too. My dad Nick is 42 and he's a mechanic. He knows much about cars and he is a good driver too. When we go to the country he sometimes teaches my brother Svetoslav to drive the car. Svetoslav is 17 years old. This year he finishes school and will try to enter the Medical Academy. He studies hard to pass his exams. Sometimes he helps me with my homework. Our family is friendly. We try to help each other with everything. That's all for now.
Hope to get your email soon. Keep in touch.
Best wishes,
Дорогой Никита,
Я хочу рассказать тебе о своей семье. Она не большая. В нашей семье четыре человека - папа, мама, старший брат и я. Они все любят меня и я их тоже люблю. Так что мы хорошо ладим друг с другом. Вчера в воскресенье мы пошли по магазинам. Потом мы гуляли в парке и навещали бабушку. Она живет недалеко от нас. Моей маме Ольге 38 лет, она воспитательница детского сада. Ей очень нравится ее работа. Нашей бабушке Наташе 61 год, она пенсионерка. Когда она была моложе, она тоже работала воспитателем в детском саду. Моему отцу Николаю 42 года, он механик. Он много знает об автомобилях, и он очень хороший водитель. Когда мы едем на дачу, он иногда учит моего брата Святослава водить машину. Святославу 17 лет. В этом году он заканчивает школу и попытается поступить в медицинскую Академию. Он усердно учится, чтобы сдать экзамены. Иногда он мне с домашними заданиями. Наша семья очень дружная. Мы стараемся друг другу во всем. На данный момент у меня все.
Надеюсь скоро получить твой ответ по email. Поддерживай связь.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
2. Electronic books are very popular today. Most people prefer reading electronic books instead of carrying heavy hard copies with them. My friends use electronic books very actively, almost all of them read electronic books.
3. In Russia magazines like Yes! Stars, Cool, Seventeen are popular with teens. Mostly this happens because these magazines are very bright and have a lot of information about international celebrities. At the same time in these magazines you can find advices which are very useful for teenagers.