At a meeting of the Spanish king Philippe V in Madrid in 1701 of 500 court ladies were decorated in his honor with huge points tortoise frames though they had no complaints to sight. In the Moscow Russia data on points arise for the first time in the first third 17 века.только at the end of the 18th century there were points in modern option which kept on ears. Handles of points by means of hinges fastened to a frame. In the beginning they weren't bent at all for ears. Handles could fasten for a wig, or for them bound a lace. With publishing emergence points quickly won popularity among the population. Points for reading were invented in Italy in the XIII century. the founder of the first points is considered to Salvino D'Armat. Improvement of technology brought in the 18th eyelid to emergence of manufactory production of points. Quality of glasses and the frames made in such a way was low. Points became under the motto "it is more cheaper". These "industrial" points generally through vagrant dealers were on sale. The Nuremberg points with a frame from a wire were typical points of that time. The first lenses on points were round. By the end of the 18th eyelid appeared also oval, occasionally met also rectangular линзы.днако, at first people accepted the new invention watchfully. Some called points "the damned tool of a devil". And not at once in society it was unambiguous glasses wearing is apprehended. There were times when in Europe points called "the vampires exhausting eyes", and witches and devils quite often were drawn wearing spectacles. Up to the 19th century disputes on, whether are necessary points in general, didn't stop. In 17 eyelid there were first sunglasses. Usual points coated or is delicious. Tried for protection against sunshine even to grind glasses from jewels or to use pounded jewels. But such points cost much, but also at their use it was possible to receive ожег an eye. At the northern people of Nenets, Eskimos points from a snow blindness - analog solar were long since widespread. They were produced from a tree or bones of animals, had narrow cuts for eyes and were used for hunting in ices. Chinese the first made smoky points of smoky quartz. Such glasses were worn by judges to hide the relation to a sentence during its announcement at court. And at the beginning of the 20th century there were modern dark glasses when the glass which isn't passing ultra-violet radiation for the first time was used. It is interesting that used green glasses earlier, but it appeared that they, passing the brightest beams of a range, least succeed, began to use gray and blue glasses. Gray smoky glasses absorb all color beams almost equally; blue glasses most detain all yellow and orange beams. today every second inhabitant of our planet has points.
2. A
3. A
4. С
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. С
Мне трудно объяснить почему в одном случае используется Present Perfect, а в другом Present Perfect Continous. Потому что они похожи, описывает действие, которое случилось не так давно, но к настоящему моменту завершилось. Просто в одном ставиться акцент на быстроту окончания действия, в другом на длительность действии.
1) haven't sent, есть слово-маркер FOR AGES
2) been, потому что объясняет, что он БЫЛ ЗАНЯТ, а вообще во многих случаях, когда глагол TO BE, то употребляется Present Perfect
3) 've been learning, потому что он до этого времени учился ездить верхом во время похода (походный отдых) (а еще если посмотреть два других ответа, по крайней мере been тут не подходить).
4) been going, потому что здесь речь о многократно повторяющимся действии, происходящим в неистекший период времени - this week.
5) has been, два других ответа не подходить :) похожий случай как во втором пункте
6) 've met, акцент ставиться на то, что он ВСТРЕТИЛ девушку.
7) hasn't learned, то же самое акцент ставиться на то, что она НЕ ИЗУЧАЛА английский РАНЬШЕ и то что она не знает этого языка. Слово-маркер BEFORE употребляется с глаголом в Present Perfect
8) been talking, тоже самое что в п.4
Когда делаешь акцент на то, что какое-то действие начавшийся в быстро подошел к концу и видешь итог в настоящем, то употребляешь Present Perfect.
Когда обращаешь внимание на то, что действие начавшийся в недавнем продолжается какое-то время и заканчивается к настоящему моменту и видишь результат, то применяется конструкция Present Perfect Continuous.
(1) Did I (2) get to know much there?