Sally likes playing games. Ross is sad today. Their is this house grandparents. They goodbye to say their cousins. We watch cartoons the new TV in the living-room. My grandma lives in the village. Надеюсь, что
First of all, I would like to point out all of the false assumptions you made about teenagers and young people. Most young people are very calm and just want to succeed at school and, later, their life. It's wrong to assume that all teenagers are like the few incidents that happened at the club. It is a completely biased opinion and very false. Also, the way you published your stories is rude. You can't go around discriminating a huge part of the population just because of their age. They are the future and if you don't believe in them, we won't have one. Many young people have to fight to prove that they are not like those other troublesome teens but it doesn't have to be that way. In conclusion, I'd like to express my strong disapproval of your articles and please be so kind to not publish anything of the sort anymore. Thank you.
ну вот, я очень старалась, надеюсь я Не беспокойся о ошибках, их там нету. Я из Канады и я знаю чего пишу.
прощения, я ищу телефонную будку. 2. Вчера вечером я читал пред сном, когда вдруг услышал крик. 3. Через 5 лет постоянная космическая станция облетит луну. 4. Лейбористская партия всегда имела крепкие связи с профсоюзами. 5. Он завершил свою работу еще до конференции. 6. Они закончат строительство здания до лета. 7. Атом можно определить как мельчайшую частицу материи. 8. У нашей группы сейчас принимает экзамен профессор. 9. вольфрама уже успешно синтезированы. 10. Система разработана для эксплуатации при темп-ре выше 110 гр.
1. Present Progressive Active I am looking 2. Past Progressive Active, Past Simple Active. I was reading, I heard 3. Future Progressive Active - will be circling 4. Present Perfect Active --- has .. had 5. Past Perfect Active had completed 6. Future Perfect Active will have finished 7. Modal verb with Present Simple Passive can be defined 8. Present Progressive Passive is being examined 9. Present Perfect Passive has been synthesized. 10. Present Simple Passive is designed