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The British are one of the largest nations reading the newspaper in the world. In the UK there are "quality" newspapers, they concern, as much as possible, actual reports of major national and international events, the world of politics and business, the arts and sports.
There are also “populations” and “tabloids,” the so-called because of their smaller size, concentrate on more emotional messages of stories. The popular press seeks to entertain its readers, rather than inform them. In the UK, newspapers are mostly owned by private individuals or publishing companies, and newspaper editors tend to have significant freedom of expression. The British are one of the largest newspaper countries in the world to read newspapers.
2. He didn't go to the village yesterday.
3. Why did you go to the shop yesterday?
4. We are going to the South next summer./We will go
5. What are you doing?
6. He is sleeping now.
7. Where did your father work last summer?
8. Will she go to Moscow next week?
9. He didn't watch TV yesterday.
10. Don't be noisy! The father is working.