In my free time I help my mother with household chores. washing dishes, helping to cook, sweeping the yard, dusting and so on. I help my dad fix something, I help wash the car. sometimes they ask for it themselves, sometimes I help at will. I like helping them. when I help them, they rejoice to see them, and I rejoice.
я в свободное время маме с домашними делами. мою посуду готовить, подметаю двор, вытираю пыль и так далее. папе что нибудь чинить мыть машину. иногда они сами об этом просят, иногда по своему желанию. мне нравится им когда я им они радуются, увидев их, радуюсь и я.
Communication with animals develops responsibility in children. After all, the pet needs to be fed, walked, cleaned the pot, changed sawdust, etc.
Nowadays, the choice of a pet is no longer limited to a cat, dog or fish. In the pet store you can find many interesting and even exotic animals. A dog is man's best friend. Loneliness is not tolerated. Cats are distinguished by their affectionate and friendly disposition, independent and playful. Remember that responsibility for the animal will not appear in the child on its own; he needs to be taught to this, starting with the little things.
no, even a normal person can be succesful. Because sometimes money doesn' t determine success.