I've got a mum.she's eyes.she's .she'sgot and a . i've got a dad. he's .he's .he's got..ears.he's got a and a mouth. перевод и вставить пропущеные слова
I've got a mum.She's got long hair and blue eyes.She's got small ears. She'sgot a little nose and a nice mouth. I've got a dad. He's got short hair. He's got brown eyes.He's got big ears.He's got a long nose and a big mouth.
У меня есть мама . У неё длинные волосы и голубые глаза . У неё маленькие уши. У неё небольшой нос и прекрасный рот. У меня есть папа. У него короткие волосы. У него коричневый глаза. у него получил большие уши.У него длинный нос и большой рот.
On February 23, we traditionally celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, one of the most important holidays in the calendar of Russians. This is not just a day of honoring soldiers and fighters who served and defended the country during the war and tribulations - the landmark date has already turned into a kind of unofficial "day of all men". After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday has not disappeared - it is still popular, and it is still celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Transnistria and Ukraine. Since 2002, February 23 is a day off in the Russian Federation.
Today, a variety of technologies in our lives prominent place . No modern man can never imagine my life without gadgets. And we all are dependent on electronic technology . without many as it seems to some people , life is simply not possible today .In this essay, I have presented several pieces of modern technology, of which I had to choose only just one. Computer, mobile phone and fridge is basic inventions that take place in our lives . And choose one thing was very difficult , but I decided for myself that in my life the major inventions of this phone .The latest mobile phones are sophisticated computers, but on a microscopic scale. How many computers and devices placed in this little box ! Amazing!The main purpose of the phone is of course connected with others , the ability to communicate at a distance , but the latest phones have many other different functions. For example: sending SMS text messages , listening to music , access the Internet and social networks , the ability to call up using Skype and see companion , playing computer games , camera, video , photo editing , recording on the recorder , the ability to read e-books , use the built-in flashlight , calculator , calendar , display date, time , weather, maps of the world , as well as much more!Modern phone can replace a variety of devices , and so I think that the phone is one of the most important inventions of mankind !
I've got a dad. He's got short hair. He's got brown eyes.He's
got big ears.He's got a long nose and a big mouth.
У меня есть мама . У неё длинные волосы и голубые глаза . У неё маленькие уши. У неё небольшой нос и прекрасный рот. У меня есть папа. У него короткие волосы. У него коричневый глаза. у него
получил большие уши.У него длинный нос и большой рот.