Abstract (from lat. abstraction - abstraction, delete) - one of the directions in the art of XX century, the essence of which was the complete rejection of images of real objects and phenomena in painting, graphics and sculpture. Abstract art have arisen on the basis of such movements as cubism, futurism and expressionism. Some areas of abstraction (Suprematism, neoplasticism) differed ordered structures of lines, geometric shapes and volumes of different colors. .Абстракционизм (от лат. abstraction– отвлечение, удаление) – одно из направлений в искусстве XX века, суть которого заключалась в полном отказе от изображения реальных предметов и явлений в живописи, графике и скульптуре. Абстракционизм возник на основе таких течений как кубизм, футуризм и экспрессионизм. Некоторые направления абстракционизма (супрематизм, неопластицизм) отличались упорядоченными конструкциями из линий, геометрических фигур и объёмов различных цветов.
1. offer d) a statement that you are willing to give someone something or do something for them 2. firm a) a company or business, especially one which is quite small 3. purchase e) the act of buying something 4. refund g) a sum of money that is given back to you 5. fee b) an amount of money paid to a professional person or organization for their services 6. loan f) money borrowed from a bank, person etc 7. debt c) money that one person, organization, country etc owes to another 8. corporation i) a large company or group of companies acting together as a single organization 9. costs j) the money that a business or an individual must regularly spend 10. competitor h) a person, team, company that is competing with another 1. оферта 2. фирма 3. Приобретение 4. Возврат 5. оллата 6. кредит 7. долг 9. издержки 10. конкурент