A special day in my family. On weekdays, all of my family members are at work or school. We have special days on weekends. In the morning, we all get up at 9 o'clock and go to Breakfast. Mom makes us pancakes and dad makes us fried eggs. Then we engaged in cleaning of Grandpa working in the garden, and I'm helping him to water the plants. Grandma likes to decorate the garden with flowers, I plant flowers with her. Dad and mom clean the house, I clean my room. Then we all visit our loved ones together, and in the evening we play Board games. This is how one of my special days goes.
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Literally every experienced gamer has played Minecraft. Someone spent a couple of hours there at most, and someone dozens, or even hundreds. No one is indifferent to the game, we all secretly admire it, because with such a light concept and square graphics, Minecraft still occupies a leading position in the lists of best-selling games. Let's remember all the pleasant things that we felt in the good old Minecraft.If you started minecraft with survival mode, you probably remember your first night. You are desperate, do not know how to dig a stone, there is no pickaxe, and monsters surround you. Endermen, zombies, spiders and skeletons, and you have only a hand out of weapons, and that's all. In order to escape from all the troubles, you build a cube out of the ground and hide until morning, if you haven't watched the guides for this game. And in the morning, noticing the creeper, approach with caution and catch your first and not the last death. Even as an experienced minecraft player, I was dying because of creepers. This first night will be remembered to my old age.
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