1. The girl was punished by the woman 2. Computers are used at the lessons 3. The rules were explained to the students 4. A special dinner is cooked on the 21 st of May 5. A nice picnic was arranged last week
1. were Если бы Энн была богата, она бы отправила своего сына в Оксфорд 2. would earn Если бы мои родители позволили мне работать по субботам, я бы заработал немного денег на комп. игры 3. is Если погода завтра будет хорошей, я пойду гулять 4. will get Если ты выучишь слова, ты получишь хорошую оценку за тест завтра 5. would go Если бы я знал французский очень хорошо, я бы поехал во Францию на каникулах
Dear Barbara, Thank you for your letter. It was so nice to hear from you. I hope your trip was wonderful.
I also traveled a lot this summer. In August, Elena and I were abroad. We spent two weeks in Scotland in the summer school. We lived and studied in a good public school. Would you like to know what is there?
Well,in the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. In class we read and discussed texts, learned poems by heart in English, played , asked questions, learn new words used in the computer and wrote their own stories. But we did not do the translation in Russia, on our the lesson because we are not done, they speak Russian. We also learned about English history and traditions.
Now we speak and read English much better, we did it last year . I have made many friends in Scotland. We also spent 3 days in London. I tried to call you but you were not available. Our impression of the UK and hope to visit it again. Best wishes from all of us. Your "lazy children." Elena and Olga.
Вот мой ответ :з