In many countries national costume is usually from ancient folk clothing or its individual elements. UK in this case - an exceptional example. Here, because of the high level of economic development, national costume went back in time, and its elements are preserved only in stage costumes song or dance performances (think dancers who perform folk dance Morris).
Although folk tunes in costume Britons disappeared, their traditional dress still have some distinctive features, which are now called the "British style" or "English suit." The essence of these concepts lies in the nature of the garments, but it should be inconspicuous, elegant, quiet.
Nowadays suit British time, as before, can talk about his activities: work wear caps, farmers - three-piece suit, clerks - skinny pants, black jacket and bowler.
The most distinguished traditional costumes, dressed in that requires formal occasion. But it applies medieval fashion. This kind of costumes worn royalty during the coronation. Lawyers and judges, like many centuries ago, put on a meeting of the mantle and wig.
With national costume best deal comes in the Scots. In celebration of the men in Scotland wear a kilt, a white shirt over his shoulder throw rug complement the image gaiters, massive boots and a dark beret.
In short, the British, in a sense deprived national costume, but we can safely say that the national element in the British costume expressed clearly enough, and the English style is always easily recognizable.
Some month ago I went London. It's very nice city. In London I visited many museums, for example museum of Sherlok Holms, national museum. And I went many more intresting plases. They are: cathidrals, parks, galeries etc. The best cathidral is- St. Paul's cathidral. And of course I saw Big Ben and Tower Bridge. I invite you to go in London with me next year. Несколько месяцев назад я побывал в Лондоне. Это очень красивый город. В Лондоне я посетил много музеев, таких как Музей Шерлока Золмса и национальный музей. Еще я был во многих других интересных местах: саборы, парки, галереи и тд. самый лучший сабор- Сабор св. Павла. И конечно же я видел Биг Бен и Тауэрский мост. Приглашаю тебя поехать со мной в Лондон в следующем году.
1.She saw that Nina is trying on a hat. 2.Alice saw that her sister took the book. 3.He saw that his disciples are near the school. 4.Tom saw that she left the room. A. She saw that her children do homework. 6.Olga saw Andrew sitting on the couch. 7.Nicholas saw that Anna writes something. 8.She didn't hear me come into the room. 9.I didn't hear they were talking. 10.Have you ever heard her sing? 11.Have you ever heard him speak Spanish? 12.I saw that Kohl's came. 13.I saw George walking down the street.14.I saw that Nelly reads. 15.We saw the students dancing. 16.We saw their parents talking. 17.The teacher noticed that the students are talking. 18.She noticed how his father left the room.
In many countries national costume is usually from ancient folk clothing or its individual elements. UK in this case - an exceptional example. Here, because of the high level of economic development, national costume went back in time, and its elements are preserved only in stage costumes song or dance performances (think dancers who perform folk dance Morris).
Although folk tunes in costume Britons disappeared, their traditional dress still have some distinctive features, which are now called the "British style" or "English suit." The essence of these concepts lies in the nature of the garments, but it should be inconspicuous, elegant, quiet.
Nowadays suit British time, as before, can talk about his activities: work wear caps, farmers - three-piece suit, clerks - skinny pants, black jacket and bowler.
The most distinguished traditional costumes, dressed in that requires formal occasion. But it applies medieval fashion. This kind of costumes worn royalty during the coronation. Lawyers and judges, like many centuries ago, put on a meeting of the mantle and wig.
With national costume best deal comes in the Scots. In celebration of the men in Scotland wear a kilt, a white shirt over his shoulder throw rug complement the image gaiters, massive boots and a dark beret.
In short, the British, in a sense deprived national costume, but we can safely say that the national element in the British costume expressed clearly enough, and the English style is always easily recognizable.