1. Injustice is when rich people take their money from the average citizen. Injustice is expressed in fraud, blackmail, etc.I am neutral to injustice: I cannot say that I just want to kill everyone who praises injustice with their behavior, but I am not a supporter of the belief that injustice is normal and everywhere. 2. In my family, all its members are pretty funny people who know how to correctly and appropriately insert a joke.Yes, I believe that if I am given the task of making a beautiful joke, then I can do it using any kind of humor. 3. Не буду отвечать на первый вопрос. Найдите в интернете шутки. As I said in the last question, I think I can make people laugh pretty well and quickly. Nevertheless, it all depends on my mood, and given that it is changeable at some moments I have no time for jokes. 4. My opinion is this: my parents taught me polite speech, the elimination of curses from it, how to use cutlery correctly, and also how to refuse correctly and without rudeness, or, on the contrary, how to accept people's suggestions. I think this is enough to consider yourself a rather polite person. Примеры приводите сами.