1) Пианинода ойнайтын адам менің ағам
2) Музыканы естігеннен кейін біз сөйлесуді қойдық
3) Газетті қарап отырып, ол қызықты мақаланы байқады
4) Студенттер жасаған жаттығулар оңай болды
5) Шетелге сапар шегу кезінде ол Әулие Павел соборына барды
6) Келген команда кеше қонақ үйге тоқтады
1) the man playing the piano is my uncle
2) After hearing the music, we stopped talking
3) Looking through the newspaper, she noticed an interesting article
4) The exercises done by the students were easy
5) While traveling abroad, he visited St. Paul's Cathedral
6) The arrived team stayed at the hotel yesterday
Имена можешь поменять, если хочешь.
«Hi, John!
I'm all right. Sorry, that I have not written you for so long. I was very busy!
How are you? Hope, you are ok.
Today is Monday and I'm already very tired! You know, my parents are very busy. They have to work a lot and i have to do all the house work. Usually, I do washing up, and a lot of cleaning. For example, yesterday I did washing up and some ironing too. Tomorrow I have to clear the rooms and to water flowers.
John, cyan you tell me, do you have to do any housework, what is your attitude to it, and how often do you help your parents?
write me soon.
Love, your (твое имя)»