Amanda: Great! Then, we shall start. My first question is what made you chose basketball as the main type of sport in your life?
Paul: Good question. In fact, I have always been interested in sports, because my father is a coach. When I was little he told me that I need to choose one sport to do it professionally. At first it was swimming, but after one unfortunate accident in water when I nearly drowned, I decided to change my preferences. My best friend had already been playing basketball at that time, so I joined him.
Amanda: Was it hard to learn a new game?
Paul: No, not at all. I was used to heavy physical exercise. I just had to change the mode of activity.
Amanda: How did you understand that basketball is your game?
Paul: You see, I'm rather tall, agile and accurate. It's not difficult for me to get the ball into the basket. While others struggle to hit the point, I do it without any hesitation.
Amanda: I see. Next question is about your relations within the team. How do you get along with other players and how do you deal with jealousy if there is any?
Paul: I think, I'm one lucky person. Our school team consists only of good friends of mine. I've never felt that anyone is jealous or angry with me for my basketball talent. On the contrary, we always try to help each other during the game.
Amanda: Sounds good. That's important information for our interview. My last question is about your wishes to the youger generation. What would you wish to other schoolchildren who want to become professional basketball players?
Paul: First of all, I want to wish them good luck. Secondly, I advise them to train ardently every day. Training is the main component of success.
Amanda: Thank you Paul for your cooperation. The article will be published next week.
Времена меняются по схеме на одну ступеньку вниз в а именно: Present simple становиться Past Simple Present Continuous- Past Continuous Past Simple и Present Perfect оба меняются на Past Perfect Future Simple - Future in the past Past Perfect не меняется Pas Continuous либо остается либо меняется на Past Perfect Continuous Повелительные предложения строятся по схеме: ( He) asked ( somebody) to do something ( He ) told ( somebody) to do something Отрицательный вариант (He) asked ( somebody) not to do something ( he) told ( somebody) not to do something
At home I have a lot of plants. My favorite flower is cactus. It is beautiful flower. In August it was very small, just 6 centimeters tall.Today is November 20th .And now my cactus is over than 10 centimeters tall. There are арреаr 3 nice and small flowers. They are rose. It's so cute and beautiful!
У меня дома много растений. Моё любимое растение это кактус. В августе он был очень маленький, только 6 см в высоту. Сегодня 20 ноября. И сейчас мой кактус больше чем 10 см в высоту. Уже появились 3 маленьких цветочка. Они ярко розовые. Это очень мило и красиво!
Amanda: Great! Then, we shall start. My first question is what made you chose basketball as the main type of sport in your life?
Paul: Good question. In fact, I have always been interested in sports, because my father is a coach. When I was little he told me that I need to choose one sport to do it professionally. At first it was swimming, but after one unfortunate accident in water when I nearly drowned, I decided to change my preferences. My best friend had already been playing basketball at that time, so I joined him.
Amanda: Was it hard to learn a new game?
Paul: No, not at all. I was used to heavy physical exercise. I just had to change the mode of activity.
Amanda: How did you understand that basketball is your game?
Paul: You see, I'm rather tall, agile and accurate. It's not difficult for me to get the ball into the basket. While others struggle to hit the point, I do it without any hesitation.
Amanda: I see. Next question is about your relations within the team. How do you get along with other players and how do you deal with jealousy if there is any?
Paul: I think, I'm one lucky person. Our school team consists only of good friends of mine. I've never felt that anyone is jealous or angry with me for my basketball talent. On the contrary, we always try to help each other during the game.
Amanda: Sounds good. That's important information for our interview. My last question is about your wishes to the youger generation. What would you wish to other schoolchildren who want to become professional basketball players?
Paul: First of all, I want to wish them good luck. Secondly, I advise them to train ardently every day. Training is the main component of success.
Amanda: Thank you Paul for your cooperation. The article will be published next week.