1) Wedgwood was an English Potter. He made ceramics for royalty. Перевод:Веджвуд англичанин, гончар. Он создал керамику для королевских особ.
2) Ernst Neizvestny is a Russian sculptor. His sculptore Great Centaur is in Geneva. Перевод: Эрнест Неизвестный русский скульптор. Его скульптура находится в Дженеве.
made ceramics for royalty.
3) William Turner was an English painter. His landscapes are famous. Перевод: Вилиам Тёрнер английский художник. Его пейзажы известны.
4) Giorgio Armani is a famous designer. Her was bornin Italy. Перевод: Джорджио Армани знаменитый дизайнер.Он родился в Италии.
5) Goya was a painter and printmaker. Some of his famous print are in the Prado Museum. Перевод: Гойя был художником-гравером. Некоторые его знаменитые гравюры(работы) находятся в музее "Прадо"
Hi! I am James and I live in Australia.
I 've got two brothers. They're called Pete and
Mike. My mother works at the hospital. She is a doctor. My
father works in a sports shop. He works very hard. The shop
makes a lot of money, and it's always full of people.
Now put object pronouns (me, you, etc.) in the gaps.
On Saturdays I work for my father. I help him in the shop, and
he gives me some money. On Sundays we go to the beach.
We have two dogs, and we take them with us. We also take a
ball and they play with it on the beach while we swim in
the sea.
Утверд. He is a doctor
Отриц. He is not a doctor
Вопрос.Is he a doctor?
У него есть собака
Утверд.He has a dog
Отриц.He has not a dog
Вопрос.Has he a dog?