1. There were two men in the room. One of them was writing something while the other was reading a newspaper.
2. Не didn't tell me that he had received a message from her.
3. I asked him if he knew where she lived. I said I didn't know her address.
4. He asked me if I could give him your address.
5. She said that he had given her the wrong address.
6. I asked him where he had put my letter.
7. He told us that they had spent all the money.
8. I was sitting in an armchair and thinking of my coming trip across the North Sea when the door suddenly opened and an old friend of mine whom I had not seen for a very long time entered the room.
9. She came to see us just at the time when we were having dinner. It was the first time I had seen her.
10. I saw him just as he was leaving the hotel.
11. I hadn't seen him before we met at the concert.
12. He had left the house before I had time to ask him anything.
13. After spending several days in Paris he felt lonely and wanted to return home.
14. I thought he had already gone home.
15. I found the old man in the garden. He was talking to some children who were standing around listening to him.
16. He was speaking a language we had never heard before.
17. He told me he had learnt it from the newspaper.
18. He entered the room, took something from the desk and went out.
1. Bill wanted to take the 4 o'clock train not to be late yesterday. Билл хотел сесть на четырехчасовой поезд, чтобы вчера не опаздывать.
2. Jill missed her train and was late for work yesterday. Джилл опоздала на поезд и вчера опоздала на работу.
3. Last weekend my mum took a plane to London, she didn't go by train. На выходных моя мама вылетела самолетом в Лондон, она не ехала поездом.
4. Dad didn't want to miss his plane so he came to the airport carly. Папа не хотел опоздать на самолет, поэтому приехал в аэропорт на машине.
5. As it was late there were no buses and Bob decided to take taxi. Поскольку было поздно, автобусов не было, и Боб решил взять такси.
6. I didn't go to school yesterday because I missed the school bus. Вчера я не пошла в школу, потому что опоздала на школьный автобус.
8. Sam wanted the o'clock train, so he came to and Jim to take the station at half past four.Сэму нужен был часовой поезд, поэтому он и Джим приехали на станцию в половине пятого.