ответ:My dacha is located just a few kilometers from the city where I live. There is always fresh air and beautiful nature in the country. We have fun and gain strength. It is not large, but the cottage has A house and a picnic area. Sometimes, we celebrate A Birthday in the country, as this is the best place to celebrate.
My parents grow different flowers and vegetables on their plots. When the crop grows, we eat it.
When summer comes, I'm almost always in the country. We have a big river where I swim, and on the beach I relax and sunbathe.
Every year I wait for the summer to go to my favorite dacha and relax.
1) dear and friendly people comes to mind when I hear the word "family"
2) my family is very dear to me.
3) I need my family when I feel bad. My family always supports me.
4) Yes, I do well with all my family members
Card 2.
1)I prefer to live in ( и пишите либо в доме - house, либо в квартире- flat предпочитаете жить.)
2) I think that my home is beautiful and I like everything in my house
3) Yes, I like the location of my house.
4) My dream home is a big and comfortably house. Where trees grow near my house.
Tom didn't buy 3 oranges.
Did Tom buy 3 oranges?
John forgot his trainers at home - Джон забыл свои кроссовки дома
John didn't forget his trainers at home.
Did John forget his trainers at home?
Vicky gave me a photo album - Вики дала мне фото альбом
Vicky didn't give me a photo album.
Did Vicky give me a photo album?