Hello, Kate!
Thanks for your letter! As soon as I have received it I start writing to you. Привет Катя тебе за письмо. Как только его получила, пишу тебе ответ.
Now I am at school. My holiday is over. Сейчас я в школе. Мои каникулы закончились. I spent my holiday very well. I went out with my friends, read, listened to music, watched TV, played computer games. Я провела каникулы очень хорошо. Я гуляла с друзьями, читала, слушала музыку, смотрела телевизор, играла комп. игры. I spent some weeks in a summer cottage with my grandparents. I helped my grandpa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruit and vegetables. Несколько недель я провела в деревне у бабушки. Я капать огород, поливать растения, собирать овощи и фрукты. Also I was fishing with my grandpa. I enjoyed floating by boat, swimming in the river and helping my grandparents. Также я ходила на рыбалку с дедушкой. Мне понравилось плавать на лодке, плавать в реке и моим родным. Some days I was in the Crimea. It was a great time. I swimmed, walked by seaside, and visited many sights. Несколько дней я была в Крыму. Было классно. Я плавала, гуляла по побережью и посела достопримечательности. During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books, got to know a lot of useful things. Now I feel ready to get back to school. I am happy to meet my friends and teachers. Во время каникул у меня появилось много новых друзей, я прочитала много интересных книг, узнала много интересных вещей. Сейчас я готова к учебе. Я очень рада видеть своих друзей и учителей. What about you? How did you spend your holiday? Did you like it?
The girl has wavy blonde hair. It's short and shiny. She wears white skirt and white t-shirt with bright print on it. In the left side of photo we see the younger girl , that actually looks similar. She also wears she same clothes. Because of this i think that it is her sister. Sisters are smiling ang laughing , they're really happy. I also can say that it's autumn, because there are a lots of colourful leaves on the ground. But the grass is still being green - maybe, it's first part of september.The dog between girls is cute. It is ginger with white chest. I can't tell you the breed, but i think it's mix of border colly and corgi. I don't think that it's a professional photosession. It looks like a photo from family collection. Maybe , this family just bought a dog. Or they took it from a shelter, because dog looks a bit scared.
Получилось только 14, не знаю, что еще написать. Можешь придумать на русском, а я переведу.
2. Viewers
3. News programs
4. TV programs
5. Audience
6. Feature film
7. Entertainment show
8. Concetrs
9. Serials
10. Talk show
11. Quiz
12. Mind games
13. Documentaries
14. Political debate
15. Advertising
16. Format
17. Transmission advertising
18. Commercials