Robbie's dog Roxy was smart. At least Robbie THOUGHT so. Robbie had found him on a street. The puppy looked cold and unhappy. Robbie took the puppy home and fortunately his mum DIDN'T MIND it. One day Robbie saw the ‘Dogs' contest’ advert. According to it, all dogs that were able to perform tricks could participate.
"I wish Roxy KNEW some tricks”, Robbie thought. “But Roxy can’t perform any.”
He decided to take Roxy to the contest anyway, not as a participant but as a viewer. There WERE lots dogs on the contest ground. The collars of some dogs WERE DECORATED with medals. The contest started, and the judge threw a ball. Roxy suddenly pulled away from Robbie and began running fast. He was the FIRSTdog to catch the ball and he didn’t forget to bring it back to the judge!
“The winner is the dog with no entry name on my list. Whose dog is this?” asked the judge.
“It’s MY dog." said Robbie. The judge handed Robbie a small symbolic medal and a certificate for free dog food.
“Congratulations! You HAVE WON!” said Robbie to Roxy and gave him a big hug.
“Let’s go home and celebrate. Mum will be surprised when she LEARNS the news.”
There is no reason why these portraits should look alike. ( Ведь нет никакой причины, почему эти портреты должны выглядеть одинаково. )
The girl is looking into the sky. – Девушка смотрит в небо.
I forced myself to look away and walk out of the room. – Я заставил себя отвернуться и выйти из комнаты.
Look around and name the thing that you see. – Оглянись и назови вещи, которые видишь.
Let’s look out of the window. – Давай выглянем в окно.
The dog is looking at the cat. – Собака смотрит на кошку.
Tom is watching the baseball match. – Том смотрит бейсбольный матч.
We look forward to receiving an early reply. Мы будем благодарны Вам за быстрый ответ.
Grandparents look after their grandchildren and young children.
Бабушки и дедушки присматривают за внуками и другими маленькими детьми.
A close look would reveal that such difficulties are interrelated.
Если пристально взглянуть на данную проблему, то можно увидеть, что эти трудности тесно взаимосвязаны между собой.
2.has stopped
3.has already gone
4.has bought
5.have already seen
6.have already had