Dear Debra, Thanks for your letter!Sorry for not having written so long.I've been very busy. Oh,I"m happy,that you in basketball team. In my childhood,I was in basketball team too.I was a new person.I played very bad.But,I understand ,that I have train in pitch.And I saw good results soon.Well,I prefer team sport.I like sport very much and I doing sport about 10 or 12 hours every week. Sorry,I have to go now.I have to do my HW and help my mother. Drop me a line! Best wishes, (сюда пиши на английском свое имя)
Dear, Debra It's great to hear from you! Sorry, I haven't written for so long, but I was really busy with my exams. I hope, you really enjoy being a basketball player, because it is really important! If you like it, you' ll be able to achieve your goals. But if you want to improve your skills, you should devote much more time playing basketball. Get on a diet, eat more fruit and vegetables, this way, you'll be fit. What about me? Well, I don't really like sport at all. If I had to decide what to choose - team sports or individual ones, i'd probably choose individual sports, they're esier for me. And I usually spend one or two hours doing sport each week, i don't really like it, but I want to be healthy & fit. Anyway, I have to go know, 'cause there're a lot of homework to do. Thaks for your letter. XXX В этом сочинении учтены правила написания писем для ГИА и ЕГЭ, получилось немного, но надеюсь хоть чем-то Грамматических ошибок быть не должно.