1.Вычеркните лишнее слово (можно выписать)
1) left
2) music
3) was
4) the best year
2 Перепишите слова, расставляя их по алфавиту
buy , concert, day, free, poem, school, usually.
3 Расшифруйте слово и напиши их перевод
1 music - музыка
2 funfair - ярмарка
3 Saturday - суббота
4 song - песня
4 Поставьте слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения
1 Liza went to a concert with Alton.
2 It was a really special day!
3 Who is coming to the party?
4 How do you usually go to school?
5 Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный глагол
1 Bob…….a poem last night.
. a. wrote
2 I……..a ticket an hour ago.
a. bought
3 Marianne…at the concert last year.
a. sang
4 Liz and Harry didn't …..to the theatre.
b. go
1.Вычеркните лишнее слово (можно выписать)
1) left
2) music
3) was
4) the best year
2 Перепишите слова, расставляя их по алфавиту
buy , concert, day, free, poem, school, usually.
3 Расшифруйте слово и напиши их перевод
1 music - музыка
2 funfair - ярмарка
3 Saturday - суббота
4 song - песня
4 Поставьте слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения
1 Liza went to a concert with Alton.
2 It was a really special day!
3 Who is coming to the party?
4 How do you usually go to school?
5 Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный глагол
1 Bob…….a poem last night.
. a. wrote
2 I……..a ticket an hour ago.
a. bought
3 Marianne…at the concert last year.
a. sang
4 Liz and Harry didn't …..to the theatre.
b. go
A cow - animal, it lives in farms,eats graze. A cow can give milk and it's used as meat. It gives humans dairy.
An eagle - bird, lives in woodlands and forests,it is carnivore,and very dangerous for smaller animals and birds.It can carry 12 pounds
A whale - animal, Its habitats is ocean,It can suck in 600 c.m. of water every hour. It can potentially eat humans or at least swallow.
A crocodile - animal, carnivore, It is very dangerous is can eat people, lives in water and can come on surface.
A sheep - animal, herbivore,it lives with humans who use it as food, wool and to make cheese.