1. The policeman said not to walk alone in the night.
(пов. накл. с отрицанием - said: "don't" --> said not to)
Полицейский запретил гулять в одиночку поздно ночью.
2. The student said (that) he had written the report the day before.
(согл.времнён в пр.вр: Past Simple --> Past Perfect)
Студент (ученик) сказал, что написал отчёт за день до этого.
3. My dentist said (that) sweets are harmful for my teeth.
(are, а не were, т.к. факт, что конфеты вредны для зубов - так наз. "универсальная истина"; как, например, и "The Sun rises in the East" и т.д., согласования времён в таких случаях не происходит).
Мой зубной врач сказал, что конфеты вредны для моих зубов.
4. The doctor said to go to bed not later than 10 o'clock in the evening.
(пов. накл. - said: "go" --> said to go)
Доктор сказал, что нужно ложиться спать не позже 10 часов вечера.
5. My brother said (that) we would have finished the work by 5 o'clock.
(согл. времён в пр.вр.: Future Perfect --> Future Perfect in the past)
Мой брат сказал, что мы закончим работу к 5 часам.
6. He said (that) he had 6 lessons that day.
(согл. времён в пр.вр.: Present Simple --> Past Simple)
Он сказал, что в тот день у него было 6 уроков.
(leave) school. 6. We ...(go) to bed early last night because we ...(be) tired. 7. Kevin ...(lose) his key. He ...(leave) it on the bus yesterday. 8. I ...(not play) tennis since I ...(be) at school. 9. I think our teacher ...
(forget) about the test. He ...(not say) anything about it in the last lesson. 10. Sarah ...(break) her leg. She ...
(fall) off a horse last week. 11. I ...(finish) decorating my room. I ...
(paint) it last week and I ...(put) the new curtains last night. 12. Tom ...(see) this film twice.
Задание 7. Составьте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами:
1. I like reading books. What ...2. I’ve got two dogs and a cat. How many ...3. I visited Paris last year. ..or London? 4. I’ve got an expensive car. What ...5. I bought this umbrella on Monday. When ...6. John came late last night. Who ...7. Fish live in water. Where ...8. I’ve sent her some flowers. What ...9. We bought some some fruit and cakes for the party. Why ...10. I never get up early. What time ...11. She doesn’t like English food. What ...12. Something fell on the floor. What ...13. We used to live in a small village. Where ...14. He’s been studying in London since November. How long ...15. I have already seen Dracula. When ...16. I’ll have to borrow 10 pounds fr