ответ:1. Where were you yesterday? — I was at home the whole day. — How strange. I rang you up at two o'clock, but nobody answered. — Oh, I was in the garden. I was reading your book and didn't hear the telephone.
2. What were you doing at five o'clock yesterday? — I was working in the library. — I was there, too, but I didn't see you.
3. Nina celebrated her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there were many flowers in it. When I came in, somebody was playing the piano, two or three pairs were dancing.
4 Listen! Somebody is playing the piano.
5. I like music very much.
6. When I looked out of the window, it was raining heavily and people were hurring along the streets.
7. What were you doing at seven o'clock yesterday? — I was having supper.
8. When I came home yesterday, I saw that all my family were sitting round the table. Father was reading a letter from my uncle, who lives in Kiev.
9. Yesterday I was working at my English from five till seven.
10. It was raining the whole day yesterday.
11. Where is your sister now?— She is in her room. She is doing her homework.
12. He is brushing his teeth at the moment. He cleans them thoroughly morning and night.
13. Don't disturb her while she is sleeping.
14. You are talking nonsense. You never talk sense.
15. My mother is sitting in the sun-light now and I am setting the table.
I would like to tell you about a great Maslenitsa celebration in Russia. It is celebrated on last Sunday of March, when winter is losing its rights and spring comes. On this day there are Russian great folk festivals with horses, getting a living rooster from the post, a lot of jokes, songs and dances. On the streets of cities, towns and villages different mummers walk, they offer everybody hot tea and Russian pancakes with different toppings: honey, jam, butter, eggs! But most importantly is the effigy of winter that is burnt and everyone rejoices the beautiful spring coming.
Я хочу рассказать о замечательном празднике Масленица. Его отмечают в последнее воскресенье марта, когда зима сдает свои права, и приходит весна. В этот день в России большие народные гулянья с катанием на лошадях, доставанием живого петуха со столба, шутками, песнями и плясками. На улицах городов и сел ходят ряженые, всем предлагают всем горячий чай и русские блины с разными начинками: медом, вареньем, маслом, икрой! Но самое главное, на площади сжигают чучело зимы и радуются наступлению красавицы-весны.
2. She hasn`t come yet.
3. Robert went to Spain last year.
4. I was in the swimming pool on Tuesday.
5. Have you ever been to Saint Petersburg?
6. We had a dictation yesterday.
7. The mother has already fed Rex.
8. John and Fred finished painting the house two hours ago
9. I`ve never eaten the meat of angaroo.