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Нужно перевести на и указать время: 1) мы часто говорим по в классе. 2) мы редко отправляем им письма. 3) когда она была студенткой, она добиралась на занятия на автобусе. 4) мы узнали его с трудом. 5) моя мама купила мне красивое платье. 6) ты знаешь ? - нет, не знаю. 7) ты вчера был в школе? - да, я был. 8) мы будем брать уроки 2 раза в неделю. 9) я сделаю это завтра, если у меня будет время. 10) моя сестра слушает последние новости по радио. 11) пока моя мама готовила обед, я играла на пианино. 12) что они будут делать завтра в три часа? 13) я никогда не была в париже. 14) они уже перевели эту статью к 10 часам. 15) мистер браун писал картину уже несколько дней, когда они пришли. 16) сэм писал письмо вчера уже час, когда флора пришла. 17) когда вы вернетесь домой в 4 часа, мама уже будет готовить обед в течении часа.

1) We often speak English in the classroom. pres simple
2) We rarely send them letters. pres simple
3) When she was a student, she got to school by bus. past simp
4) We could hardly recognise him. past simp
5) My mother has bought me a beautiful dress. (pres perf )
6) Do you speak English? - No, I don't. pres simple
7) Were you at school yesterday? - Yes I was. past simp
8) We will be taking (future cont) English lessons two times a week.
9) I will do (future simp) it tomorrow if I have (pres simp) time.
10) My sister is listening (pres cont) to the latest news on the radio.
11) While my mother was cooking (past cont) dinner, I played (past simp) the piano.
12) What will they be doing (future cont) tomorrow at three o'clock?
13) I've never been to Paris. (pres perf )
14) They had already translated (past perf) that article by 10 o'clock.
15) Mr. Brown had been painting (past perf cont) the picture for a few days, when they came. (past simp)
16) Sam had been writing (past perf cont) a letter for an hour, when Flora came (past simp) yesterday.
17) When you come (pres simp) back home at 4 o'clock, my mother will have been cooking (fut perf cont) dinner for an hour.
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Almaty - my favorite city.

Almaty - Kazakhstan's southern capital, a city of a half million inhabitants, the administrative, economic and cultural center of the country. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains semicircle Trans-Ili Alatau, it captivates with its originality. Alpine meadows, Tien-Shan spruce, gardens serve it as a kind of frame. On a high hill Koktyube is surveyed the entire city - panorama strictly lined with dressed in green neighborhoods, shot up into the bright blue sky beautiful tall buildings. Successfully entered in a mountain landscape, subordinate unified original decision, they make a beautiful city's skyline, which are widely used elements of national culture and achievements of modern construction equipment.

Almaty - a garden city. Half of its area is occupied by green spaces - pyramidal and silver poplar, elm, oak, birch, linden, black locust, pine and spruce. In the spring, when everything blooms, Almaty is particularly good. White foam gardens cover the surrounding mountains and down in the midst of urban neighborhoods, spread out a red carpet of tulips. Summer evening cool breeze from the mountains, and called for a walk along the boulevards and avenues, in an area with colorful flower beds, where bizarre spray jets scattered numerous fountains. Autumn foliage of gold charms, penetrated by the sun, the scent of the famous Almaty apples - aport. And how beautiful the city winter, short but frosty and snowy. On skis and skates stand then all citizens.

At all times of the year attracts mountain skating rink "Medeo". The famous ice ice world records, sparkles under the bright mountain sun. Because of its exceptional natural and unique data engineering and architectural design, the sports complex has received worldwide fame, became the pride of Almaty.

South capital of Kazakhstan is generous and hospitable. Heat and sun greets the guests and she prettier every year.

For information: Almaty, Kazakh language is translated as "Apple", while the Alma-Ata - is a collection of Kazakh words "Apple-grandfather." There is a good article about the names of the city, read вроде так
4,7(1 оценок)
1. Were The twins born in June.?
Were The twins born in June or September ?
The twins were born in June,werent they?
Who was  born in June.?
When  were the twins  born ?
2. Did We have  a great time in Disneyland?
Did we have a great or driary time in Disneyland ?
We had  a great time in Disneyland,didnt we?
Who had a great time in Disneyland?
Where did we have a great time?
3. Can Mr. Black  play chess very well.?
Can Mr. Black  play chess  or tennis very well.?
Mr. Black can play chess very well.,cant he?
Who can play chess very well?
What game can Mr Blak play very well?
4. Is The salad  not fresh.?
Is The salad or fish  not fresh.?
The salad is not fresh.,is it?
What is not fresh?
How is the salad?
5. Does My wife prefer juice to tea.?
Does My wife  or sister prefer juice to tea.?
My wife prefers juice to tea.,doesnt she?
Who  prefers juice to tea.?
Whose wife does prefer juice to tea?/What does my wife prefer to tea?
6. Does Tom order Japanese food every Friday.?
Does Tom order Japanese  or Turkish food every Friday.?
Tom orders Japanese food every Friday.,doesnt he?
Who  orders Japanese food every Friday.?
Which food does Tom order every Friday?/When does Tom order Japanese food?
7.Do  I meet many  people at work.?
Do I meet many  people  at work or home.?
I meet a lot of people at work.,dont I ?
Who meets  many  people at work.?
Where do I meet many people?
8.Will  They have lunch at home.?
Will They  have lunch or breakfast  at home.?
They will  have lunch at home.,wont they?
Who  will have lunch at home?
Where will they have lunch?
9. Will He  study French in Canada.?
Will He  study French or Spain  in Canada.
He will study French in Canada.,wont he?
Who will study French in Canda?
Where will he study French?
10. Are They football fans.?
Are They  football or basketball  fans.?
They are football fans.,arent they?
Who are football fans?
Who are they?
11. Can Her granny  tell fortunes from cards.?
Can Her granny  tell fortunes from cards. or from coffee? 
Her granny can tell fortunes from cards.,cant she?
Who can tell fortunes from cards.?
What can her granny do?
12. Have I  made an apple-pie.?
 Have I  made an apple-pie.or buscuit?
 I have made an apple-pie.,havent I?
 Who  has  made an apple-pie.?
What have I made?
4,4(89 оценок)
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