1. Is travelling scareful? 2. Are you miss your family in trips? 3. Were you in Stockholm? 4. Can you tell me about your last trip? 5. Can you tell me about your first trip? 6. Is it boring to travel in train? 7.Where will you go next time? 8.Are you take with you a lot of things? 9.Do you like your native city? 10.Is it hard, to get used to long trips?
1How do you speak with other people? Как вы говорите с людьми (иностранными) 2How much countries have you already visited? Сколько стран вы уже посетили? 3How do you prefer to travel? Как вы предпоситаете путешествовать? 4How did you come up with this idea? Как вам пришла такая идея? 5How much countries do you want to visit? Сколько стран вы еще хотите посетить? 6Does people at the airports recognise you? Узнвют ли вас в аэропортах? 7Which is your favorite country? Ваша любимая страна 8Have you visited one country for several times? Посещали ли вы одну страну несколько раз? 9Where do you think the people are the most friendly? Где наиболее дружелюбные люди? 10 Which country should I visit first? какую страну мне лучше посетить первой?
Reality TV is vulgar and shoddy. By creating pseudo-celebrities it contributes to the debasement of popular taste.
It is often cruel, exposing the participants to gross humiliation for our amusement. This makes it the modern equivalent of going to laugh at the lunatics in Bedlam. The present row over racism on Big Brother shows how nasty it can be.
It exploits the vulnerable, and has been condemned by the Mental Health Foundation for doing so.
Popularity should not be the ultimate test of what is permissible. Public executions used to be popular and still are in some countries.
It is nonsense to say that broadcasters shouldn't set standards or be obliged to adhere to codes of behaviour. We don't for instance allow them to promote racism or sectarianism or to incite violence. Reality TV is debasing and should be strictly controlled, if not banned altogether.
1. That style of skirt went out fashion years ago. 2. We heard about the earthquake in the news. 3. This must be finished by five o’clock without fail. 4. Paul and I arrived at the party at the same time. 5. We were under the impression that they were moving to France. 6. Crime is on the increase in many cities. 7. The knock at the door took me by surprise. 8. He erased his project from the computer and had to start from scratch. 9. In my opinion, he is the greatest musician of our time. 10. I don’t know for certain, but I think she’s gone on holiday. 11. You’re looking a bit off colour – are you feeling alright? 12. The ceremony is being held in honour of the Pope’s visit! 13. He put salt in his tea by mistake, thinking it was sugar. 14. I can’t stop and talk. I’m in a hurry. 15. She waved until the car was out of sight. 16. We always stay in. Why don’t we go out for a change? 17. He told us the plan in brief and didn’t go into detail. 18. I mustn’t eat any chocolate. I’m on a diet. 19. Peter has gone to London on business. 20. She selected a CD at random and put in the CD player.
2. Are you miss your family in trips?
3. Were you in Stockholm?
4. Can you tell me about your last trip?
5. Can you tell me about your first trip?
6. Is it boring to travel in train?
7.Where will you go next time?
8.Are you take with you a lot of things?
9.Do you like your native city?
10.Is it hard, to get used to long trips?