Today, humanity continually produces a lot of various waste products from industrial and domestic origin. Accumulating these wastes become a real disaster, and that is why the importance of every new technology of recycling.The most common way to deal with the waste and its disposal is burning, but the technology is recognized deadlock, because the cost of burning 1 kg of garbage are very significant.Therefore, great importance is the development of technologies of processing waste, due to which it becomes possible to get new useful products and, as a result, to achieve a positive economic effect. Differ in methods of processing of combustible rotting, medical waste. Technology of processing of combustible waste This technology involves the processing of combustible waste with the help of combustible gas in the closed reactor.Thus, it is possible to process waste types such as dry biomass (sawdust, bark, wood waste), waste water after draining, solid oil products (automobile plastic, rubber, fabric, wood, foams), industrial solid waste (any non-toxic waste plastic, paper, cardboard and etc), as well as the allocated when sorting household waste combustible fraction. Technology of processing of rotting waste The technology of processing of garbage assumes its processing in reactors with bacteria that produce methane and make recyclable garbage in humus or biogas.Thus it is possible to recycle waste treatment facilities and farms, resulting compost, humus, which can then be used in agricultural and horticultural work. In addition, methane can be used in production of heat and electricity. Recycling and treatment of medical waste involves: sterilization of needles, medical containers, metal probes, glasses, biological cultures, physiological substances, syringes filters bubbles catheters, diapers, laboratory waste etc.
1 Last summer I was in a language school in Malta,wasn’t I? Разделительный 2 Where were you last summer? Специальный или Where was I last summer? 3 Who was in a language school in Malta last summer? Вопрос к подлежащему 4 Were you in a language school in Malta last summer or last autumn? Альтернативный или Was I in a language school in Malta last summer or last autumn? 5 Were you in a language school in Malta last summer? Общий Или Was I in a language school in Malta last summer? Общий 6 When was I in a language school in Malta? Специальный Или When were you in a language school in Malta?
In the northern part of our country between Ladoga and Baltic located Leningrad region. History of Leningrad region begins in the Mesolithic Age.The first known settlement of the Slavs was Ladoga. In the region grows a large number of medicinal plants: blueberries, raspberries, cowberries, ledum, lily of the valley, cranberry, bearberry, juniper. In the area is a large number of attractions, not only of artificial origin, but also natural, for example, the Tosnensky waterfall.The regional center in 1991 was renamed from Leningrad to St. Petersburg, but the region remained Leningrad, retaining the Soviet legacy for descendants. Вот и перевод. В северной части нашей страны между Ладогой и Балтикой располагается Ленинградская область. История Ленинградской области начинается в эпоху мезолита.Первым известным поселением славян была Ладога. В области произрастает большое количество лекарственных растений: черника, малина, брусника, багульник, ландыш, клюква, толокнянка, можжевельник. В области находится большое количество достопримечательностей, не только искусственного происхождения, но и природных, например, Тосненский водопад. Областной центр в 1991 году был переименован из Ленинграда в Санкт-Петербург, но при этом область осталась Ленинградской, сохранив советское наследие для потомков.
Technology of processing of combustible waste
This technology involves the processing of combustible waste with the help of combustible gas in the closed reactor.Thus, it is possible to process waste types such as dry biomass (sawdust, bark, wood waste), waste water after draining, solid oil products (automobile plastic, rubber, fabric, wood, foams), industrial solid waste (any non-toxic waste plastic, paper, cardboard and etc), as well as the allocated when sorting household waste combustible fraction.
Technology of processing of rotting waste
The technology of processing of garbage assumes its processing in reactors with bacteria that produce methane and make recyclable garbage in humus or biogas.Thus it is possible to recycle waste treatment facilities and farms, resulting compost, humus, which can then be used in agricultural and horticultural work. In addition, methane can be used in production of heat and electricity.
Recycling and treatment of medical waste involves:
sterilization of needles,
medical containers,
metal probes,
biological cultures,
physiological substances,
laboratory waste etc.