Записать слова в нужной форме 1, i often buy) milk 2. he buy) a book 3. my brother buy) a pair of jeans yesterday 4. robin buy) a new computers next month 5. buy) flowers for my mum now
In my opinion every person in life should be best friends. They will support and help and understand you in difficult times. And thankfully I have таеие friends, Arai and Kuandyk. Since we're in the same class we spend a lot of time together. We Arai very similar. Not for their appearance and character. She is very kind and sympathetic. Very positive. Will always help in difficult minute and support. And even Arai loves to sing as I do. She has a nice voice. I think that friendship is the most important thing - trust and honesty. And Arai has all those qualities. I can always nah rely on and trust. And she's very smart and beautiful. The Arai expressive and big eyes, wavy dark hair. She is of medium height. And Kuandyk a very positive and cheerful. He is very kind and helpful. Kuandyk can always help. And when you have a mood he always cheer. it is very similar to Mignon from the cartoon "Despicable me". Kinder Kuandyk I don't see it. His large dark eyes, dark curly hair and he is of medium height. And yet it is dark. I have unforgettable memories with them. And I am happy that I have such friends as Arai and Kuandyk.
Объясню для начала разницу между will and be going to... Will-это будущее действие,которое может быть исполнится может быть и нет,50 на 50(She'll sell her car.) Be going to-это собираться что-то сделать,т.е. 75%(She's going to study abroad next year)
1)i am going to make a cake 2)will 3)will 4)I am going to get ... 5)I am going to spend Надеюсь,задание я выполнила правильно,если будут ошибки-я не виновата.Эту тему я давно-давно и конечно,она немножко забылась.Но вот эти правила(про will and be going to)надо запомнить.Может ты даже сможешь кое-что исправить в этом задании(вдруг).Удачи!
2) has just bought
3) bought
4) will buy
5) am buying