1 задание Translate the words from Russian into English:
1. rollercoaster
2. amusement park
3. music shop
4. Cotton candy
2 задание Circle the odd word out
1. play – see – eat - sent
время, когда во все ряду настоящее.
2. bakery – café – cinema - near
Наречие, означающее "близко", "поблизости"
3. a bar of chocolate – a bottle of cola – one penny –a jar of jam
Пенни - это денежная единица, остальное - еда.
4. horror – type – fantasy - romance
Все остальные слова - это жанры каких-либо произведений.
3 Complete the sentences using the Past Simple
Where did she go last Sunday?
Ann and Bill saw two white tigers at the zoo.
Mum made a cake yesterday.
My sister played basketball last weekend.
4.Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences
What did you buy yesterday?
I had coffee in a café
Did you see a film last weekend?
How much is this bottle of cola?
5.Write in must or mustn't
1 Stop watching TV. You must do your homework.
2 I must brush my teeth.
3 Your shoes are dirty. You must clean them.
4 You mustn't drop litter in the streets.
5 I must tidy my room.
6 You mustn't play on the road.
Если глагол правильный,то к нему добавляем +ed. Если неправильный то вторая форма глагола.
Подсказки: Yesterday-вчера, the day before yesterday-позавчера назад. Вопрос общий начинается с Did.
длительное (Действие длилось в в определенное время)
Was (используется в ед числе),were (во мн.числе) + глагол в Ing окончании. Подсказки: Yesterday at...o'clock, When I came.