2. complete the sentences with or not as . 1. the city as the countryside. 2. germany is the russian federation. 3. i am 10. my elder brother is 16. i am as he. 4. a 3-storied house as 5-storied house. 5. lake baikal is as the atlantic ocean.
In today's world, much has changed. Now paper books to electronic substitution come. It is convenient, compact and fashionable. Very often on the streets, transport and cafes you can see people reading e-books.I think it's great to keep up with the times. And paper books and electronic in its good.Such as e-books is easy to carry, you can read in the dark and a few stories can fit into one e-book. Paper books are convenient because you can read it in the bathroom and some people enjoy just holding it in his hands.However, there are also disadvantages.E-book can be discharged and the light from it spoils your vision. A paper is not always placed in the bag and can tear.Progress does not stand still. In place of the electronic paper book came, in the future we may see something newer. Books are good to their meaning, not the cover. Therefore, we must get used to the e-book/
1.Stop talking,please. I can't hear what he's saying. 2.Nevertheless it was too late, he went on working on his report which he was going to make the next day. 3. They started working at nine sharp. 4. I think we can go on discussing this question. 5. He continued reading the book until he found the necessary place. 6. Do you mind taking a friend with me? - здесь не совсем уверена 7.I recognized this man as soon as she started describing him. 8. I won't object if you help him in his work 9. do you mind our dancing a little more?
2) not as big
3) as
4) not as
5) not as