1. My brother can watch TV from morning till evening.
Can my brother watch TV from morning till evening?
What can my brother watch from morning till evening?
2. My sister can speak English very well.
Can my sister speak English very well?
Who can speak English very well?
3. My brother could play the piano very well when he was a child.
Could my brother play the piano very well when he was a child?
Who could play the piano very well when he was a child?
4. Yesterday I could go to the theatre, but I was tired and went home.
Could I yesterday go to the theatre, but I was tired and went home?
When could I go to the theatre, but I was tired and went home?
5. My sister will be able to help you tomorrow.
Will my sister be able to help you tomorrow?
When will my sister be able to help you?
6. These students will be able to study German next year.
Will these students be able to study German next year?
Who will be able to study German next year?
Attractions Volgograd. Volgograd - hero city, its territory is a number of historical sites, monuments, museums, who will surely be interested visitors to the city. This is primarily historical and memorial Mamaev Kurgan, Panorama - Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad, Pavlov's House. Of the facilities were built in our city after World War II, visitors will be interested to see the central waterfront with river station, Volga HPP Gateways Volga-Don Canal, newly built, the biggest in Europe, a bridge across the Volga.
Also in Volgograd are: Circus, several theaters, modern cinemas, malls.
Достопримечательности Волгограда. Волгоград - город герой, на его территории расположен ряд исторических мест, памятников, музеев которые непременно заинтересуют гостей нашего города. В первую очередь это историко-мемориальный комплекс Мамаев Курган, Панорама - музей Сталинградской битвы, Дом Павлова. Из объектов возведённых в нашем городе после Великой Отечественной Войны, приезжим интересно будет увидеть Центральную набережную с Речным Вокзалам, Волжскую ГЭС, Шлюзы Волго-донского канала и недавно построенный, самый большой в Европе, мост через Волгу.
Кроме этого в Волгограде имеются: Цирк, несколько театров, современные кинотеатры, ТРЦ прощения,здесь около 80 слов))