Usually we have 5-6 lessons. After school we go home, have lunch and do our homework. After 16: 00-17: 00 we have free time. We often walk in the park and ride there on the greats. Sometimes we go to an internet cafe. We all have computers at home, but very often parents work in the evenings for them. In the summer we usually play football in the yard, and in the winter we play hockey. We love music and often go to someone's home to listen to new CDs. Sometimes parents take us to exhibitions or to the theater, but we love going to the movies.
1. It costs (a) thousand euros.
2. (The) President will arrive in (a) couple of minutes.
3. I've run out of (-) money.
4. Do you accept (-) credit cards?
5. He was elected (—) chairman two months ago.
6. Our office is in (the) centre of (the) city.
7. Alex works as (an) engineer in (a) large plant in Baranovichy.
8. There was (an) interesting article about our factory in (the) local newspaper.
9. I need (-) time to think about ( the) offer you made me.
10. I have (an ) appointment at ( the) bank.
11. I’d like to clear out (-) few items in (the) contract.
12. I want (a) secretary with ( -) knowledge of ( -) French and (-) experience of (-) office routine.
13. ( The) presentation was (a) great success.
14. (A) businessman will catch at any chance of making (a) profit.
15.- I left ( -) school at 17, went to (the) Belarusian-Russian University and got (a) degree in (-) engineering. - What did you say (the) name of (the) university was?”
- Конечно. Просто зайдите на эскалаторе направо и вы увидите его.
- Вот твой билет. Ваш полет в настоящее время посадки у ворот 50. Перейти вниз Зал D, это слева от Вас.
Диалог 3. На плоскости.
- Здравствуйте! Будете ли вы так любезны, к черту нас? Мы собираемся в Лондон для наших праздников. Вот наши билеты.
- Здравствуйте. Рад вас видеть. Дамы и господа! Я хотел бы приветствовать Вас на борту нашего самолета. Мы готовы взлетать держите свои места в вертикальном положении, пристегните ремни. Мы желаем всем вам очень приятного полета
- Простите, не могли бы вы сказать нам, как долго мы будем летать?
- О, дайте мне посмотреть ... около 5 часов. Хочешь сока, кофе или чай?
- Я предпочел бы несколько чашек кофе
- Вот ты где.
- Мы так многим обязаны вам.
- Дамы и господа, наш полет закончен, мы приземлились. Мы желаем вам удачи. До свидания.