Wonderful movie, A Christmas Story, was released in 2009 in the U.S.. The author of this movie, Robert Zemeckis. This author has created more than 77 films. This Christmas story tells of real magic, the story of the rich man, like a hog in one night to become a completely different person. Mr. Scrooge truly rich-speculator, for which the main wealth in life is only money, forgetting about life values such as family, friends, love, and real holidays with people close to him. However, we must not forget that it was on Christmas Eve can proihodit incredible miracles. On this night, he changed svle related to Christmas. This film is very interesting, I advise everyone to see.
1.Я чищу зубы.
2.Я ем.
3.Я роблю домашние задание
4.Я люблю помгать маме
5.Я ухаживаю за своей собакой(котом,хомячком,рыбками)
6.Я очень крепко сплю
7.Я умею готовить
8.Я читаю интересную книгу
9.Я читаю быстро
10.Я говорю выразительно
11.Я пишу красиво
12.Я помагаю родным
1.I brush my teeth.
2.I eat.
3.I Roble Homework
4.I love my mother pomgat
5.I take care of my dog (cat, hamster, fish)
6.I am a very sound sleeper
7.I know how to cook
8.I read an interesting book
9.I read quicklyI say emphatically
10I write beautifully
11.I helps families
перевод смотри по цыфрам
Ex. 1
1) Tom Canty
2) Edward Tudor
3) All people
4) No one
5) Everybody
6) Edward Tudor
7) Tom Canty
8) High and low, rich and poor
Ex. 2
1) True
2) The boys were born on a certain autumn day.
3) Tom Canty was born to a poor family.
4) The rich family of the name of Tudor wanted the boy very much.
5) True
6) True
7) Edward Tudor was a happy boy.
Ex. 3
1) in the second quarter of the sixteenth century
2) his father
3) in the ancient city of London
4) It was a certain autumn day.
tell – told – told
hear – heard – heard
know – knew – known
say – said – said
happen – happened – happened
take – took – taken
want – wanted –wanted
sing – sang – sung
dance – danced – danced
lie – lay – lain
hang – hung – hung
It happened in the…
…was told to me by my father.
…was born to a poor family.
…was born to a rich family.
…lay in rags…
…lay in silks.
… was the son of…
… was the son of…
The birth of the prince…
…event for several…