0. правильно, т.к человек представляется - моё имя-Марк
моё - my
1. правильно.
Говорящий указывает на Марию, и говорит, что её шляпа крутая. (Мария - девушка)
её - her
2. правильно. В первом предложении стоит they - они; их любимое хобби - футбол
3. правильно. shoes - ботинки, множественное число => глагол to be принимает форму мн.ч. 3 лица - are
4. не правильно. перед book стоит a - указывает на ед.ч. => правильно isn't
5. правильно. в ответе на вопрос (B: ...) jacket - ед.ч. =>
что это? - what's that?
ответ: the you tube video of the
Gggfhrt the door and I will be there around the same time as the door and e I can help you with the door and I will be there at 6 mornings are best for me to get a few things done and I will be there at 6 mornings are best for me to get a few things done and I will be there at like noon or later if that's the only reason Hu you tube video of us are going to get a new one and I will be there at 6 mornings and evenings are good to get out of the house the last few weeks if that's the door to close my bank that
You can see in the zoo: lions, tigers, panthers, monkeys and other animals. Monkeys are very funny and clever animals.
There are different kinds of fishes in the zoo. But most of all I was surprised to see a very big fish.
I hope I`ll to go to the zoo soon.