Task 2. Write a short paragraph of 4 sentences to complete a story using
the pictures below and words from the box. Check your sentences.
a green tail
long leaves
a long brown tail
the same brown hair
a blue tie
the blue roof and
green door комектесесиздерме
Задание 2. Напишите короткий абзац из 4 предложений, чтобы завершить рассказ, используя картинки ниже и слова из коробки. Проверьте свои предложения.
Зеленый хвост
Длинные листья
Длинный коричневый хвост
Такие же каштановые волосы
синяя галстук синяя крыша и
зеленая дверь
Тапсырма 2. Төмендегі суреттер мен қораптағы сөздерді пайдаланып, әңгіме аяқтау үшін 4 сөйлемнен тұратын қысқа абзац жазыңыз. Сөйлемдеріңізді тексеріңіз.
Жасыл құйрық
ұзын қоңыр құйрықты қалдырады,
сол қоңыр шашты көгілдір галстук көк шатыр мен
жасыл есіктерде
I can not imagine my life today without gadgets. My phone is my best friend, organizer, navigator, vocabulary and so on. I use it every day and almost everywhere. If I go out I always take my phone with me. It helps me to find the right place, any schedule, to buy a ticket and many other useful things.
Another important function of my mobile phone is contact with my friends and family. Today everyone has a profile on Facebook, vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, viber, Skype. Through these networks I can send pictures and videos, make video call and send any important information in couple of minutes. Besides I can always call my mom and tell her that I am fine and I will be at home soon. Everyone has today a phone but we never think how much useful this thing is for us.
Another my important gadget is my personal computer. It is almost same like my phone, but with bigger screen and it has more memory. I stoped to watch TV, but look for any important information on my PC. It is also so much useful for school and homework. If I need to make any presentation my computer is my best helper. Technologies today are so much important.
My headphones help me to relax and forget about any problems. If I have to travel somewhere, I always take them with me. I like to listen to music or audio books or trainings, so I put my headphones in my eyes and I am not bothering anyone.
In future I would like to have Apple Watch. I have read a lot of information about it and it is a good thing for every person.
I can speak about gadgets forever and describe how much useful these things are today. Every person has preferences and we got used to have what we have. And we can not imagine even one day without these gadgets.
2 were
3 weren`t
4 was
5 were