I will be revealing things that are deeply personal, even hurtful.
I just don't go around advertising it.
That's very good pay for a babysitter.
They won't recognize you in that.
First of all, he's your cousin.
Anyway, what's the good of talking?
Don't shout so much!
Okay, really not a hugger at all.
He came from a faraway country.
We had it locked up and it escaped.
She was my cook and my housekeeper.
Keep your eye on the screen.
What a shame I missed it.
She can hear, and we are deaf.
Jeff, don't panic, please.
It is a strange world.
Drop your reins and get off the box!
You look adorable.
Well, now let me introduce you to my cousin.
Buzzing around all day.
No, actually, there's just one more thing.
Call it as you wish.
What department do you work in?
I used to look for charming men.
You need to look more handsome.
Alone at last.
I promise, I get you a cookie.
ИнопланетянеThere are aliens out there, somewhere. I strongly believe this.
Not sure what they look like, though. I really doubt they are green, like they are in science fiction movies.
I also don't think they look like us. But I'm sure they exist. I just don't think we'll ever see any or find any. They live too far away. If you think about it logically, there has to be aliens out there. All a planet needs is to be warm and have water and life will exist. There are billions and billions of planets in the universe, so there are probably millions and millions that have life. Alien life. It's also likely that some of the aliens are much more intelligent than we are. I wonder what we'd do if really intelligent aliens visited Earth.
is knocking - present continuous
are going - present continuous
haven't seen - present perfect
was bought - past simple passive
is influenced - present simple passive