1 Погода прекрасная: The weather is fantastic
2 Солнечно: It’s sunny
3 Не очень жарко: It isn’t too hot
4 Температура около 25 градусов выше нуля: The temperature is about 25 degrees above zero
5 Воздух очень свежий: The air is very fresh Выбирай любое предложение которое по душе))
the Hiking club is the most interesting for me because it helps me see how beautiful our world is
the Skiing club is the most interesting for me because it helps me keep fit
the Fight club is the most interesting for me because it teaches me to move quickly
the Dance club is the most interesting for me because it teaches me to dance
the Music club is the most interesting for me because it helps me understand music
the Book club is the most interesting for me because it helps me learn more about different writers and their works '
the Travellers club is the most interesting for me because it helps me learn more about different countries
the Science club is the most interesting for me because it opens the secret of nature to me
the Horse Riding club is the most interesting for me because it teaches me to take care of animals
she's a doctor
he's an engineer