Напишите 18 вопросов на к следующему тексту который дан ниже. вопросы для 10 класса по россии.вопросы желательно на написать.hob : do you remember,sir, that at our last lesson before the holidays you promised to let me the story of my first day in england? mr. priestley : i remember it vey well; and so now, at our very first lesson, we are all waiting to hear what you have to tell us.hob : thank you, sir. well, my first impressions of england are connected with food.lucille : you don't need to tell us that! hob : and, strange to say, they are of how an english breakfast beat me.frieda : you don't really expect us to believe that, do you, hob? hob : well, it's quite true. of course, it was some time ago and, though i say it myself, i'm a better man now than i was then, but, honestly, i was beaten. but let me begin at the beginning. * * *when i left the train at victoria station my first impression was of rain and fog and people with umbrellas. a taxi-cab, which might have been used by lot and his family as they left sodom and gomorrah, took me and my luggage and struggled bravely through the traffic. and what traffic and what crowds! i had never believed my geography teacher when he told us there were more people in london than in the whole of my country . i thought he had just said it to make his lesson more interesting, but i believed him now.however, i got to my little hotel at last, and the first thing that took my eye was the porter, a big fat man with a round pink face like an advertisement for babies' food. then i met the manager. he rubbed his hands all the time as if he was washing them, and smiled withour stopping. what he said i could not understand, though i had learned english at school. i said to myself, " perhaps he doesn't speak it vey well - some english people don't." but i tod him my name, and he smiled again and told one of the little boys with brass buttons to show me up to my room. ten minutes later i was lying in a hot bath washing off the last dusty reminders of the continent; another ten minutes and i was under the bedclothes and fast asleep.
Ето был самый шумный город на земле.там люди никогда не говорили,они кричали.самый шумный человек был молодой принц.он был очень маленьким мальчиком,только восемь(лет),но он мог нашуметь больше чем взрослый человек.
Его любимой игрой было забраться на лесницу с банками и швырять их вниз с большим шумом.В один день он сказал королю: Я хочу услышать самый громкий звук на земле на мой день рождения. Королю понравилась идея: Было бы хорошо услышать миллионы людей вскрикивать с днём Рожденья моему сыну.День пришёл и два милиарда человек собрались в их публичных местах для сбора.Они посмотрели с волнением (возбуждением)на часы.Юнный принц ждал самый громкий звук,смотря на тысячи ???.Все замолчали чтобы услышать всех кричать.
Странно но принц показался счастливым.Он в первый раз услышал пение плиц и шёпот ветра в листьях
не ну щёто ядрённое они должны были закурить