My aunt played the piano yesterday.
2. My aunt plays the piano often.
3. My aunt didn't play the piano yesterday the whole evening.
4.l Does your friend play the piano often?
5. My friend hasn't already played the piano.
6. Did your friend Bill play the piano by yesterday?
7. Our relatives watched their favourite film the other day.
8. Our friends are watching their favourite film now.
9. Will our mother watch her favourite film in two days?
10. My parents has not watched their favourite film recently.
11. Our brother and sister watched their favourite film by last week.
12. Do our sisters watch their favourite film sometimes?
II. Open the brackets. Put as many questions as you can to the following sentences
1. They did this task the other day.
when did they do this task?
Who did this task the other day?
What did they do the other day?
2. My sister goes in for skating every day.
When does your sister go in for skating ?
Whose sister goes on for skating every day?
Where does your sister go every day?