Труба с древних времен использовалась как сигнальный музыкальный инструмент, за счет своего пронзительного звучания она вовремя оповещала об опасности, привлекала внимание и поддерживала боевую отвагу. А в польском городе Кракове до сих пор храниться история о герое-дозорном, который несмотря на ранение, смог предупредить жителей о надвигающейся опасности. Он успел вовремя подать знак о приближении вражеского войска в медную трубу, однако до конца так и не доиграл. До сих пор в этом городе позывной сигнал – это мелодия, которая внезапно обрывается на последнем звуке.
По мере совершенствования труба стала занимать все более значимое место в музыкальной культуре. Первоначально обладая исполнять лишь отдельные ноты, она со временем превратилась в полноценный инструмент, для которого многие композиторы стали сочинять отдельные произведения.
From ancient times, the pipe was used as a signal musical instrument, due to its piercing sound, it warned about the danger in time, attracted attention and supported the combat courage. And in the Polish city of Krakow there is still a story about a hero sentinel who, despite being wounded, was able to warn the residents about the impending danger. He had time to give a sign that the enemy troops were approaching in a copper pipe, but did not reach the end. To this day in this city, the call sign is a melody that suddenly breaks at the last sound. As the trumpet improved, it began to occupy an increasingly important place in musical culture. Originally able to perform only individual notes, it eventually became a complete instrument for which many composers began to compose individual works.
Kharkiv is the best place to see at any season of the year. Since it is a very popular tourist destination, you can get there by any means of transport and from any part of the world. People can travel around the city by bus, car, taxi, tram, trolleybus and metro. They can visit various parks like Shevchenko garden, Feldman eco-park and Gorky Park. There are many museums, shops, universities (both national and international), cafes, restaurants and bars. Since Kharkiv is an international city there you can try various cuisines. You can stay in super cheap hostels or rent an apartment, you can also stay in expensive hotels. It all depends on your interests and money.
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