Let me tell you a story that happened to my mother yesterday.My mother was cooking when her phone starts ringing.She answered it and immediately was shocked.Her boss called her and told to go back to her work place.She immediately got dressed and ran out of our house!But the road was very difficult for her.The lazy cats,who were laying on her way and they didn't want to move,the bus broke down in the middle of the road, blocking her path...In the end,she was all covered in dirt and very tired.When she saw her boss,he smiled at her and told her:"Oops,sorry,i forgot that you took a vacation.You can go back to your home."After her arrival,we laughed together about this story and I promised her to never tell anyone this story.But honestly,it was the funniest thing i have ever heard.
1.I like to sit at home reading books
( 1. люблю сидеть дома и читать книги )
2. I like to sit by the window when it rains and paint the landscape
( Я люблю сидеть у окна, когда идет дождь, и писать пейзаж )
3. I like to play with friends in my free time or watch a movie
( В свободное время люблю поиграть с друзьями или посмотреть фильм )
4. I really like to cook food
( Я очень люблю готовить еду )
5. I like to often sit at home surrounded by my parents and have fun chatting with them
( Мне нравится часто сидеть дома в окружении родителей и весело болтать с ними )
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