ответить на вопросы? ! which juice is sweeter orange or banana ? which soup is tastier mushroom or vegetable ? what car is the most economical ? what animals are the largest ? which football team is the greatest? which footballer is the best?
One. two. three. four. wʌn. tuː. θriː. fɔː. Time to go to school once more! taɪm tuː gəʊ tuː skuːl wʌns mɔː! Five, six, seven, eight. faɪv. sɪks. ˈsɛvn. eɪt. Get your school bag, don't be late. gɛt jɔː skuːl bæg dont biː leɪt Nine, ten, get your pen naɪn tɛn gɛt jɔː pɛn Come with me to school again! kʌm wɪð miː tuː skuːl əˈgɛn!
1,2,3,4, Пора снова идти в школу! 5,6,7,8, Бери свой школьный рюкзак, не опоздай! 9,10, Бери ручку. Идём со мной, в школу снова!
One. two. three. four. wʌn. tuː. θriː. fɔː. Time to go to school once more! taɪm tuː gəʊ tuː skuːl wʌns mɔː! Five, six, seven, eight. faɪv. sɪks. ˈsɛvn. eɪt. Get your school bag, don't be late. gɛt jɔː skuːl bæg dont biː leɪt Nine, ten, get your pen naɪn tɛn gɛt jɔː pɛn Come with me to school again! kʌm wɪð miː tuː skuːl əˈgɛn!
1,2,3,4, Пора снова идти в школу! 5,6,7,8, Бери свой школьный рюкзак, не опоздай! 9,10, Бери ручку. Идём со мной, в школу снова!
Which juice is sweeter orange or banana ? Orange juice is sweeter than banana/ Апельсиновый сок слаще, чем банановый.
Which soup is tastier mushroom or vegetable ? Mushroom soup is tastier than vegetable. Грибной суп вкуснее, чем овощной.
What car is the most economical ? Our car is the most economical. Наш автомобиль самый экономичный.
What animals are the largest ? Elephants and bears are the largest animals in the world. - Слоны и медведи самые крупные животные в мире.
Which football team is the greatest? Spartak is the greatest football team. Спартак - самая лучшая футбольная команда.
Which footballer is the best? Denisov Igor is the best footballer. Денисов Игорь - самый лучший футболист.