1. A final group of utilities worth mentioning is designed (Present Simple Passive) for backing up and cleaning up hard disks.
2. A data base is (Present Simple) simply a collection of date that is stored(Present Simple Passive) on one or more computers.
3. The operating system must first be loaded(Present Simple Passive with modal verb) into primary storage.
4. Multitasking capabilities were once found only on minicomputers and mainframes. (Past Simple Passive)
5. Utility programs monitor how often and how quickly an application program is being executed compared to all the other programs in the system at the same time. (Present Simple; Present Continuous Passive)
1. перевод:
а - Сколько раз в год ты путешествуешь?
б -Ты останавливаешься в своей стране или едешь заграницу?
в -Какой вид транспорта ты предпочитаешь?
г - Ты путешествуешь один, с семьей или друзьями или организованной группой?
Далее я напишу примерный ответ и в скобках варианты ответа. Английский без транскрипции.
Very seldom(not often), one or two times(three or four times) in a year. I like to stay in my home country, not abroad (go abroad, not in Russia/Ukraine). And I prefer a car or bus - it`s the most convenient tipes of transport. Of course, I travel with my family, not alone.
Если надо, могу еще что-то дописать-изменить
2.He asked what marks I had had at our school
3.He asked me if I had had any problems with my classmates.
4.He asked what book I was reading now.
5.He asked what my hobbies were.
6.He asked if I had a special diet.
7.He asked if I had had any operations.
8.He asked if there were any special things that I wanted to tell them about myself.