'd like to describe Carry's routine day. He wakes up rather early and never goes downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast as it is brought into his room. His servant, Harry, usually takes it there. While Garry drinks his orange juice and eats his toast saying how good it is, Harry is trying to do the room. And this occured the other day. "Where did you put your gold watch?" Harry cried. "Where is your watch? I was looking for it for half an hour but I can't find it anywhere." Garry watched his male servant running about the room. "I think I've lost it," he said at last. Yesterday at 6 I met my friend, Sir Julius. I did not have my watch then. I have evidently lost it by the time. I am not sure I will be able to find it. I decided to buy some new one. I was sure if you notice I have no watch you would be disappointed. And you really are!
Yesterday, Peter returned home from a trip. He pur his passport in his desk drawer, but in January, after a trip to Poland, he lost his passport in the pocket of his overcoat. Next 2 weeks, he flew to Thailand. While he packed his bag, he realized that he hadn't made a note of the name of the hotel that his company booked for him. He checked for his flight online earlier that morning, but he forgot about the hotel details. While he phoned his office, the doorbell rang. His taxi for the airport arrived. He noted the details of the hotel, picked up his bag and ran out of the house. He looked forward to a few sunny days in Bangkok. While he thank how nice he will walk around the city without heavy winter clothes, he suddenly remembered that he left his passport in his overcoat. Текст может быть неправильным в некоторых местах, 90% уверенности, что правильно