Поставьте данныq в скобках глагол в верную грамматическую форму past simple или past continuous: they (walk) along the high street when they saw the accident.
Is there federal educational standard in the USA? Schooling and educational programmes are the responsibility of each state, aren't they? Must students in schools or universities wear a uniform? Is attending school obligatory for children between six and seventeen or between five and sixteen in most states. What schools do secondary education institutions include? What do colleges differ a lot from each other in? There are private and state universities, aren't there? What education is considered more prestigious? What is the most famous private university? Is higher education rather expensive or cheap in the USA? How many levels of education does a typical American university have? What are the undergraduate years are called? What subjects do the students take during the first and the second year? The specialization begins at the third and the fourth years, doesn't it? Do students get a Bachelor's degree after the fourth or fifth year at college? What degree do graduates get if they specialize further and do research?
It is autumn now. Park с маленькой лучше написать, я так думаю. "В такую погоду можно прогуляться по парку, осмотреть улицы, многие дома будут интересны вашему любопытству." Так не говорят, можно заменить это предложение на "В такую погоду можно прогуляться по парку, осмотреть улицы, многие дома привлекут ваше внимание" In this weather you can walk through the park, explore city streets. Many houses would attract your attention. I think you would like it. Come in Ufa. Welcome - добро ну никак не приезжайте!