Топси пытается задать вопросы,но путает порядок слов.исправь его и напиши вопросы правильно. your sister is this? your brother this is? your her mother is? your his father is?
Formerly, school education was easier. There were no tests, because of which children can not fully reveal themselves. They only say what they want to hear from them, not their opinion. Teachers were kinder and tried to provide free assistance to those who are lagging behind and those who have a desire to learn. The school curriculum was the same in all schools. Now every school makes its own. As my mom said, "it was fun to learn before, and now the kids are shaking because of the fours in the diary"
Summer - a wonderful time of year. Long sunny days, replace short warm nights. Most often, to be clear, and the boundless blue sky stretches over his head. Trees removed magnificently bright green clothing. Under them everywhere densely growing grass, dotted with colorful lights summer flowers - poppies, bluebells, clover, tansy, chamomile, marigold ... And above them butterflies and all sorts of creepy buzz. Summer decorate gardens and orchards. Juicy cherries ripen, followed hurry apricots and peaches. Large red strawberries sloping low to the ground. Gradually the "tan" in the summer sun recently green tomatoes. Here and there on the arches are tied cucumbers. Prehensile prickly branches dotted with sweet blackberry completely dark purple, almost black berries. And so everywhere - a riot of color, celebration of fertility, a pleasant feeling of warmth and coziness. Summer - bright, colorful ... May not like the August and July has something to please the eye. High clear skies, warm clear water rivers, ripe fruit, rich colors around ... There is not a man who would not love summer!