Although Scotland apply to the United Kingdom, it still represents a separate country. Along the West coast of Scotland are Hebrides is the largest archipelago in the North-East of Scotland region are the Shetland and Orkney. In a country often there are swamps and rocky hills, and in Western and Central regions dominated by mountains. The highest point is mount Ben-Nevis, located in the Grampian mountains. Its height reaches 1343 meters. Some other peaks reach elevations higher than 1200 metres. In Scotland is also about 300 of vertices, the height of 900 meters.
История про борщ , перевод немного корявый According to etymological dictionaries of Slavic languages [4] word soup comes from the name of the plant: originally called cow parsnip soup ( not to be confused with cow parsnip Sosnowski Ecdemic view , causes burns ) , edible leaves of which are used in food . Apparently, the widespread belief that " brsch " Old Church is called beet , should be attributed to folk etymology : This value is not fixed in dictionaries ancient Slavic dialects , but the Ukrainian language translates as beet beet .Origin unknown borscht likely , he appeared on the territory , which previously occupied the Kievan Rus' , and now has the highest abundance and diversit.In Russia, the monuments mentioned in the 16-17 centuries . Essays about him can be found in the Novgorod yamskih books for years 1586-1631 . [7] Also, in the XVI century soup urges Domostroj . Interestingly, this is a dish loved by Catherine II, Alexander II, the ballerina Anna Pavlova . In Poland, " borschak " appeared in the XVIII century . Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania , in the south of Russia , in Siberia cook borscht, and in the north of Russia and the Urals - mainly cabbage . Today, its subtleties and especially cooking borscht are Poles and Russian , and Lithuanians and Romanians Belarusians . [9] No clear canons .Known as "green borscht " based on sorrel , beet and without , as a rule , no cabbage. "Green borsch " this soup is usually called in Ukraine, in Russia it is often called "green cabbage soup ."With soup involves a lot of superstitions . For example, it was assumed that the steam from the borscht flies departed soul . [2] Because it is a traditional dish in the Ukrainian funeral