Он не ходил в школу, он каждый день присматривал за овцами
. Он работал в горах и никого не видел. Ничего особенного не происходило
, и ему было очень скучно.
Однажды он сбежал с горы на рынок в соседней деревне и
закричал: " ! Волк, волк, волк съест овцу!" Люди побежали
на гору, чтобы мальчику.
-Это шутка, на самом деле никакого волка нет, - сказал мальчик, смеясь. Люди из
деревни очень рассердились на мальчика?
На следующий день
волк действительно пришел в горы. Мальчик
очень испугался и побежал в деревню за .
Он снова закричал: " ! Волк, волк! Волк собирается
съесть овцу!" Но на этот раз мальчику никто не .
- На самом деле никакого волка нет, - смеясь, сказали они.
- Ты говоришь неправду!” Никто не поверил мальчику, и
он заплакал.
1. New projects begin in January.
2. That shirt must be washed for tonight’s party.
3. The food is going to be prepared by mum
4. Shoes are made in that factory.
5. You will have to be examined again.
6. Preparations had been finished by the time the guests arrived.
7. The visitors will be met at the airport by the delegation
8. Skis have been produced here since 1964.
9. The memo will be read by all workers.
10. Tiger Woods cannot be beaten at golf.
11. German is also spoken at EU meetings.
12. The question must be looked into.
13. The newspaper is read to him every day.
14. Acupuncture was discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago.
15. Has the book been given back to you yet?
16. The criminals were locked up by the police.
17. The keys must have been left behind.
18. The story was made up by the robbers.
19. The cake is being eaten by the boy.
20. I was promised a box of chocolates.
21. She was scared by the spider.
22. We will be shown the Natural History Museum by the guide in the afternoon
23. The woman’s teeth are being cleaned by the dentist.
24. Her relatives were shown the new house.
2) The first jigsaw puzzle was made of wood .
3) Coin collecting is called the king of hobbies.
4) The first jigsaw puzzle was made by John Spilsbury .