Robert doesn't love this family. Does Robert love this family? Who loves this family? What does Robert do with this family? Which family does Robert love? What Does Robert love? Robert loves this family, doesn't he?
I go to school that was built in the 1980's to replace an overcrowding school in our local town centre. The main building of our school is two storey with four classes on each floor. We also have classes in outer buildings. Our classrooms are large and every classroom, in the main teaching block, has its own resource area. In all classrooms there is a CD Rom computer, overhead projector, white board and flip chart. We have interactive whiteboards in most classes. Each class is well resourced for all curriculum areas. Music Room We have a well equipped music room where class and individual lessons are held. Many of our students play a variety of musical instruments. As far as we are aware, we are the only school in our area to have a 'Singing and Signing' Choir. Library This is our reference library. It is used by all the classes weekly and also at lunch times. Every classroom has its own mini libraries too. Computers We have a computer suite of 32 computers as well as computers in every classroom. There about 1,150 students in my school, including 200 in the sixth form. It is called a Technology College and specialises in Computers and Maths. My school has over 1200 computers (including over 400 tablet PC's) I am in Year 8. I am presently having to decide what GCSEs I would like to start working towards. I sit my GCSE exams next year. Some subjects are compulsory like Maths, English, Science and a foreign language. I am not sure what other GSCEs I will be taking. I will have to decide soon
Когда я уеду в свой отпуск мечты, я собираюсь облететь весь мир. Я буду, главным образом, посещать большие города. Возможно я начну свою поездку в Нью-Йорке. Там я надеюсь увидеть Статую Свободы.После я собираюсь полететь в Париж.Я собираюсь увидеть Эйфелеву башню, Лувр и собор Нотр-Дам. Я также собираюсь съесть круассаны.Затем я полечу в Рио-де-Жанейро и Каир. В Рио я буду определенно учиться танцевать самбу. Когда я доберусь до Каира, я собираюсь увидеть реку Нил. Возможно я буду видеть Пирамиды в Гизе.Тогда я собираюсь полететь – в Мельбурн, но вероятно я останусь только несколько дней в городе. Я хочу путешествовать в стране и видеть животных как кенгуру и коалы. После я собираюсь полететь в Tокио. И увидеть традиционный город Киото (Кито). Возможно я примерю там кимоно.Последней страной моей поездки будет Казахстан, потому что это место, где я живу. Я буду рад быть дома снова, потому что “Восточный или Западный является лучшим домом!”
Does Robert love this family?
Who loves this family?
What does Robert do with this family?
Which family does Robert love?
What Does Robert love?
Robert loves this family, doesn't he?