Region's territory is 120 374 km². Population of Kirov oblast' is 1 296 958. Administrative center is the city of Kirov. Another towns of the region are Kirovo-Chepetsk, Slobodskoi, Vyatskie Plyany, Kotel'nich.
There are 19753 rivers in Kirov oblast'.
Most part of the region is occupied by a pool of Vyatka river. The climate is moderately continental. The region has 817 libraries, 40 museums.
Kirov oblast' is famous for its traditional arts and crafts. Primary branches of the industryare mechanical engineering and metal working; nonferrous and ferrous metallurgy, chemical, microbiological, forest, woodworking and pulp-and-paper, light, food industry, peat.
The area of the region is 120,374 square kilometers . The population is 1,296,958 people. The administrative center is the city of Kirov . Other cities of the region Include Kirovo - Chepetsk , Sloboda , Vyatskiye Polyany. In the region there are 19753 rivers. The major part of the region is occupied by the Vyatka river basin. The climate is temperate continental. The region has 817 libraries, 40 museums. The area is famous for folk arts of handicraft. Main industries are engineering and metalworking; ferrous and non- ferrous metallurgy, chemical, microbiological, timber, woodworking, paper, peat, light and food industries.
1)we talk english.2)She works at school.3)He goes to school.4)I'm reading the book.5)They work in the company!