Nowdays, a huge amount of pupils spent their breaks standing in queues to the wending machines to buy junk food and have a quick snack before the next lesson. I suppose, not all of them a quite concerned what these snacks may cause and how they can affect body. Hopefully, my report will dispel the cloud of ignorance and you will learn a bit more about it. Obesity is one of the main consequences of eating junk food. Also, there are numerous of factors that show up: high heart rates and blood pressure are mostly caused because of unsaturated fats presented in junk food. As to talk about alternative, I would say the main thing is to change points of views of these junk-eaters: they need to understand how this can change their life. Vegetables and fruit are very healthy, and pupils can take home-made snacks to school every day, instead of spending money at school. News and social media can also affect person's opinion, some scary facts about McDonalds or anything else. They main thing I need to say is that personally everyone needs to find a perfect proportion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins for themselves. Harmony - is our everything. If you can combine carrot bites and visiting Mcdonalds, you can live a normal life.
Мауна-Лоа считается самым крупным действующим вулканом на Земле. С этим бегемотом кипит больше лавы, чем любой другой вулкан. Размер Мауна Лоа не совсем очевиден от пика 4170 м (13 680 футов), но когда вы принимаете во внимание, что он поднимается с морского дна, он на самом деле выше горы Эверест. В качестве вулкана-щита Мауна-Лоа - немного нежный гигант. Вместо того, чтобы резко разрушать эти вулканы, как правило, извергают постоянные потоки магмы, образуя мелкие склоны. Эти потоки лавы, как правило, медленно движутся и обладают небольшой опасностью, за исключением собственности.
Не знаю, придётся ли вам это животное по вкусу, но вы ведь не уточнили, а мне лошади очень даже нравятся.
Most animals are man’s best friends. It is especially true about domestic animals, because there is also a great number of dangerous and poisonous species, which bring people nothing but inconvenience. In my opinion, people should live in harmony with nature and other living creatures.
Most of all I admire horses. These four-legged animals are very kind, graceful and noble. They have always been of great service to men. Having strong body and legs they could carry heavy carts and coaches, they could accompany a man in the war. There were even specially trained war horses. In hilly countries of Asia and Arabia they were valued for their intelligence and swiftness. They say that in Ancient China the horse was considered to be the best property of the Emperor.
Horses have often saved their masters from the enemies at the cost of their own life, such devoted animals they are. In my opinion, they are one of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Their coat can be of white, black, chestnut, silver and mixed markings. Its long hair on a beautiful neck is known as mane. They have large eyes with a deep, smart look in them. Its skin is usually smooth and glossy, which makes them look graceful.
If I had enough money, I would definitely buy several horses and a stable. I would take good care of them: feed them everyday, let them walk around and play. I would also ride a horse once in a while and we would participate together in races. All in all, I think horse is a faithful animal. Unfortunately, people can be sometimes cruel to these poor creatures, which I don’t support.
Obesity is one of the main consequences of eating junk food. Also, there are numerous of factors that show up: high heart rates and blood pressure are mostly caused because of unsaturated fats presented in junk food.
As to talk about alternative, I would say the main thing is to change points of views of these junk-eaters: they need to understand how this can change their life. Vegetables and fruit are very healthy, and pupils can take home-made snacks to school every day, instead of spending money at school. News and social media can also affect person's opinion, some scary facts about McDonalds or anything else.
They main thing I need to say is that personally everyone needs to find a perfect proportion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins for themselves. Harmony - is our everything. If you can combine carrot bites and visiting Mcdonalds, you can live a normal life.